Monday, November 21, 2011

Bike Safety - Seven Top Tips For a Safe Ride While Cycling

Even though lots of of the bike safety tips listed beneath are popular sense it is remarkable how quite a few cyclists do not follow them. The list below is in no specific order of importance:

1 Lightening and Storms - do you put on brightly colored clothing throughout a storm so drivers can see you? If there are lightning strikes nearby sitting on bicycle is a threat, the metal frame and skinny bike tires conduct electricity and will not insulate you. Your 1st option is to seek shelter in a making or car and remain away from tall objects including trees, telephone poles and hilltops.

If you are cycling across a massive open location make certain you are not the highest point and get shelter in a valley, ditch or low lying location. Crouch down, but do not lie flat and if with a group of cyclists spread out, do not cluster as a group. Take off cycling shoes with metal cleats.

2 Bike Equipment - have the appropriate bike equipment including a bell, reflectors and helmet. A helmet, not a cap, will aid you if you must fall. Replace your bike helmet each few years as the materials weaken in the sun. In some regions these pieces of bike equipment are necessary by law.

three Initially Aid Kit - at a minimum of 1 individual in every single cycling group need to carry a 1st aid kit designed for cyclists. In addition you might possibly wish to carry a discomfort relief lotion and aspirin.

four Hydration & Food - surprised to see this listed under bike safety, you should not be. Carry plenty of water or sports drinks and snacks such as energy bars, nuts, and bananas. Dehydration in certain can impact your ability to cycle and the lack of energy leads to making poor choices. Most cyclists do not drink sufficient.

5 Secure Bike Practices - signaling when turning or stopping so every person knows your intention. In a group travel in single file, not only on busy roads and busy bike paths. In Europe when cycling on cobblestones take it slow the initially time, they can be tricky if you are not utilized to the road surface. Take pleasure in the scenery and that indicates focusing on your cycling and no headphones while stopping if you need to have to use a cell telephone.

6 Bike Tune up - make confident your bicycle has been checked by a skilled at the beginning of the season or ahead of a main bicycle touring trip. Constantly carry a spare tube and bike pump. Every year I meet other cyclists in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire and no spare tube.

7 Your route - pick your bike route carefully to steer clear of road with a high volume of site visitors using a bicycle path exactly where achievable.

Follow these bike safety hints and have a enjoyable ride!


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